Every second of everyday is a chance to give thanks for all the blessings we received. As America celebrates Thanksgiving on the last Thursday of November, I wish to share the many gifts I am grateful for several days early. Just like most, I will be busy creating great memories with family and relatives over a delicious meal of oven-roasted turkey sprinkled with loads of gratitude and heart-inspiring stories of harvest, triumph, survival, future wishes and dreams.
I am thankful for…
God’s unfailing love, generosity, mercy and forgiveness. For his gift of life and health not just for me but everyone I care about. For giving me the strength and the means to run, chase and hurdle all challenges. For helping me find my way on the many times I got lost. For giving me tons of second chances. For teaching me how to forgive and start all over. For making me feel truly “alive.”

At the Dewberry Farm, we asked our 8-year old, “Who would you like to go with you in the corn maze? Mom or dad?” He looked at me and his mom, observed our facial expressions and said, “Umm, dad!” In my head I jumped excitedly as I shouted, “Yes!” An hour later, we got lost. Looks like he chose the wrong guide partner. Between me and my wife, she wins big time when it comes to navigational skills and directions. Just when my son started to get tired circling around the maze and giving me hints to carry him, I heard voices from a distance. I told him, “Let’s follow where those voices are coming from. I bet they know where the exit is.” We saw a mom with her two daughters. We just followed them until we saw the exit or what we thought was the exit. On our way out, I looked at the sign board which says, “Entrance to Corn Maze.” I whispered to my boy, “Don’t tell your mom we got lost.”
My family. In both the worst and best moments, my family stood by me. Their love kept me smiling, laughing, jumping, reaching, sailing, soaring and flying when my spirits were down, my body tired and my heart needing a much inspiration booster not even loads of caffeine can fix.
My job. There are times that I whine how my work can be stressful forgetting that my job gives me the means to provide my family their basic needs and comfort. Last night, my son reminded me just that when I gave him five foam stickers to write five things he is thankful about. He wrote on the foam stickers the words, “God, family, house, food and T.V.” Before we went to sleep, we said our usual night prayers. This time I made sure I don’t forget as I prayed, “Thank you God for giving me my job.”
Friends that were really there when I needed them. They may be few but those very few remembered and helped when everyone else pretended to be so busy in their own world. What they say, “You know who your real friends are when you are down and barely got anything” is so hauntingly true.
The many exciting, happy events, experiences and places that me and my family were blessed to enjoy. From walking on spider webs to cheering for dolphins to jump out of water and make multiple flips. To climbing castles and riding trains, when it rains with blessing, it definitely pours.
The fun adventures and unexpected surprises. Every month, something magical happens just like the many wonderful changes of the season. Some just around the corner, while others brought me and my family to another country I never taught visiting. Either way, they all opened my eyes to new possibilities and my heart to new friendship.

Until we try, we’ll never know what adventure awaits just beyond the other side of the door. November 2nd, we followed our son to a Pumpkin Stroll not realizing we were entering an Autumn wonderland. We met King and Queen Jack-o-lantern and their thousands of uniquely carved pumpkin citizens of Pumpkin Kingdom.
Keeping my love ones safe from harm, evil, accidents and recently, calamities. When Typhoon Haiyan hit Capiz where my parents lived, I was so scared for them. All forms of communication were cut off during and after the worst storm in history except the “prayer emergency hotline.” I’m thankful that my prayers were heard and another miracle happened. Everyday, so many miracles happen in our lives, some so subtle we hardly notice or recognize them as such. November is a perfect month to reflect on the many miracles we received and be thankful for.
All the generous and kind-hearted people around the world who helped and continue to help the Philippines rise up from its feet. I am so thankful that so many shared in whatever way they can. For bringing back hope and reasons to go on. For bringing back a piece of smile on the faces of the survivors who lost everything including members of their families.
Treasures that made me feel like I’m zooming on top of the world. Treasures that made me happy long after the party was over. Treasures that made me appreciate how good life is no matter how turbulent the waves had been.
Early this Fall, my family and I went mining at Dewberry Farm. My son was so excited when he panned several gem stones. He glowed and sparkled as bright and beautiful as the gem stones he was holding. Just before leaving the farm, he pleaded to mine one last time and so we did. On the way home, I look at the gem stones and smiled knowing I just added more priceless treasures to enjoy, keep and cherish always.
So many unexpected , unforgettable events happened in November. Some made me feel like the happiest person on Earth while others made me feel like a kid all over again, thanks to my second grader and his amazing, cool world of Legos, Ninjas, Minecraft and everything “funerrific.” Some made me tear up when nobody’s watching and made me realize how fragile life is. That in one sweep of Nature’s wrath, an entire city crumbles and a country falls to its knees. November is also a month of unexpected outpouring of blessings and kindness as countries unite to reach out and help the victims of an unimaginable tragedy and destruction. It is a month of inspiration, goodness and hope.
How was your November? If it seems to have flown by quickly, we got 6 more days to catch up before Winter comes.
Wishing everyone not just a Happy Thanksgiving celebration but a Thanksgiving loaded with tons of blessings.
To all my WordPress blogger friends, I am thankful for your constant support and friendship. You gave me so many encouraging, uplifting words and prayers at a time when I needed them the most.
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Filed under: Life Tagged: Autumn, Children, Dewberry Farm, Events, Fall, Family, parenting, Photography, Pumpkin Patch, Thanksgiving, Travel, Weekly Photo Challenge