On the last day of October, a portal opens allowing free entry between the human world and that of the Scarecrows. How this happened or where it originated nobody knew. There is one man named Mr. Crow who was able to return in one piece to tell the tale of a mysterious place called Scarecrow Island.
One night while driving on a deserted road, Mr. Crow saw a spooky dense fog heading his direction. Before he can turn around, the fog swiftly enveloped around his vehicle. He couldn’t see anything and had to stop. Dead silence followed and all he could hear was his own heartbeat pounding widely.
As the fog started to clear out, he heard music. He got out of his car and walked towards the source of the music. He saw a saloon and went inside. The bar tender gave him a complimentary drink. He thought, “Free drink, cool! “He didn’t know that in Scarecrow Island, nothing is free. Everything has a price. Guess what’s his?
He saw stars and fireworks. Heard an orchestra of angels singing in perfect unison. He felt his feet floating on air. Next thing he knew, he was dancing with the most beautiful woman he ever saw in his life. He thought, “She’s the girl of my dreams. I wish to spend a forever with her, build a home and fill that home with happy laughter of kids running all over the place.”
The next day, he found himself outside the church, waiting for his bride.
Just when he was to say, ” I do,” something snapped in his head and woke him up from what appeared to be a deep trance induced by a love potion spell. Standing before him was a beautiful creature made of hay straws. A living, breathing scarecrow. Then he looked around. Everyone was made of hay straws too. Confused, horrified, panicking, Mr. Crow ran and left his sobbing bride by the altar.
Mr. Crow was a bit out of shape and didn’t run fast enough. He got caught and was sent to jail until the local town scarecrows decide what to do with his fate.
In Scarecrow Island, grooms who break their bride’s heart get thrown into a deep, dark sea full of hungry sharks.
If the groom gets lucky and makes it out of shark infested waters, he gets treated by Boo-Boo nurse who does more than bandage his wounds. She wraps him with bandages from head to toe and recites a spell that turns him into a mummy.
Just when Mr. Crow thought it was the end of him, he saw Bride Scarecrow pleading for his life. She love him so much that she was willing to sacrifice herself and take his place so he will be free. He stood stunned. After everything he did, he felt undeserving of such kindness. He can’t believe someone made of hay straws had so much heart, more than any human he ever knew including himself. He then looked into her eyes and noticed something he didn’t see before or thought wasn’t there before. Through her eyes, he saw himself with her so happy, contented and so at peace. He realized, he did saw a forever with her, just like what he initially saw at the dancing room. He was to focus on the external appearance that he missed the most important gem of all, the very heart of each creature, human or scarecrow.
Once again, he saw stars and fireworks, heard an orchestra of angels and felt his feet floating on air. He was in love then and still very much in love now. He approached Bride Scarecrow, held her hands tightly and said, “I’m sorry for being insensitive and blind. I’m so sorry for breaking your heart. You are and will always be my forever. Will you give me a second chance?” True love forgives and Bride Scarecrow replied, “What matters is that we have each other now.”
As they walked happily towards the altar to finish the wedding ceremony, he caught his own reflection on the mirror. He saw that he too is made of hay straws. The happiest groom in the world made of hay straws.
You may ask, “Was Mr. Crow able to build a home with his forever? Was he able to create a home of his dreams filled with happy laughter of kids running all over the place?” To find out, you need to ride the Crowville taxi driven by no other than Mr. Crow himself and discover for yourself the answers and adventures that awaits you.
So friends and dear readers, watch out for that mysterious fog. It comes out of nowhere and everywhere. Whether it’s a trick or a treat, it all leads back to Scarecrow Island.
Wishing everyone a memorable Halloween, All Soul’s Day , All Saint’s Day and Dia de Muertos. During these events, take time to remember, pray and light a candle or two for our love ones who are no longer with us. Prayers opens a heavenly portal where light, peace and everlasting happiness that last for eternity.
Related articles
- Prayers For Souls (ourcatholicprayers.com)
- All Saints And All Soul’s (catholiceducation.org)
- Autumn activities: how to make a scarecrow (mumturnedmom.wordpress.com)
- ScareCrow Contest (coolidgepto.wordpress.com)
- Best Pumpkin Patch (thismansjourney.net)
- Human-looking scarecrows used to fight littering on Japan’s farms (japandailypress.com)
- Scarecrows and Chipotle (madeformedia.wordpress.com)
Filed under: Events, Inspiration, Life, photography, Post A Week Tagged: Autumn, Blog, Events, Fall, Family, Halloween, love, parenting, Photography, Post A Week, Pumpkin Patch, scarecrow, Trick or Treat